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  • Liang Cheng, Jonas Frankemölle, Adam Axelsson and Ekta Vats, Uncovering the Handwritten Text in the Margins: End-to-end Handwritten Text Detection and Recognition. In Proceedings of the 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2024), pp. 111-120. (co-located with the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistic (EACL 2024)). Paper Code 
  • Till Grutschus, Ola Karrar, Emir Esenov and Ekta Vats, Cutup and Detect: Human Fall Detection on Cutup Untrimmed Videos Using a Large Foundational Video Understanding Model. arXiv preprint.
  • Matti La Mela and Ekta Vats, Automatic classification of historical texts using a BERT model: News about wild berries, 1860–1910, Digital History in Sweden Conference (DH Benelux), Belgium, 1-4, 2023. Paper Code
  • Dmitrijs Kass and Ekta Vats, AttentionHTR: Handwritten Text Recognition Based on Attention Encoder-Decoder Networks, In: Uchida, S., Barney, E., Eglin, V. (eds) Document Analysis Systems. DAS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 507–522, vol 13237. Springer, Cham. Paper Code
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Paired Image to Image Translation for Strikethrough Removal From Handwritten Words, In: Uchida, S., Barney, E., Eglin, V. (eds) Document Analysis Systems. DAS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 309–322, vol 13237. Springer, Cham. Paper Code Dataset
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Single-Writer Synthetic Strikethrough Dataset
  • Isto Huvila, Ekta Vats, Zanna Friberg, Lisa Börjesson, Jessica Kaiser, and Olle Sköld, Automatic identification of archival paradata using artificial intelligence techniques, DIGI-ARCHIVES-2022.
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Strikethrough Removal From Handwritten Words Using CycleGANs, 16th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). Paper Code Dataset
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Single-Writer Strikethrough Dataset.
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, IAM Strikethrough Database (1.0.0).
  • Lasse Mårtensson, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, The Significance of Script Proportions in the Medieval Swedish Charter Script, In Arkiv för nordisk filologi, ISSN-0066-7668. Paper
  • Anders Hast and Ekta Vats, Word Recognition using Embedded Prototype Subspace Classifiers on a new Imbalanced Dataset, In Journal of WSCG, ISSN 1213-6972, vol. 29, no. 1-2, 2021. Paper (Best selected papers) 
  • Parental leave (May 2019 to March 2020).
  • Lasse Mårtensson, Ekta Vats, Anders Hast and Alicia Fornés, In Search of the Scribe. Letter Spotting as a Tool for Identifying Scribes in Large Handwritten Text Corpora, HUMAN IT: Nordic Digital Humanities Journal, Volume 14, No. 2, Pages 95-120, 2019. Paper
  • Ekta Vats, Anders Hast and Alicia Fornés, Training-Free and Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using Feature Matching and Query Expansion, 15th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Pages 1294-1299, 2019.  Paper
  • Anders Hast, Per Cullhed, Ekta Vats and Matteo Abrate, Making Large Collections of Handwritten Material Easily Accessible and Searchable, In: Manghi P., Candela L., Silvello G. (eds) Digital Libraries: Supporting Open Science, IRCDL 2019, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 988, Pages 18-28, Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-11225-7 (Print), 978-3-030-11226-4 (Online), 2019. Paper
  • Anders Hast, Mats Lind and Ekta Vats, Embedded Prototype Subspace Classification: A subspace learning framework, 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Springer, Pages 581-592, 2019. Paper
  • Anders Hast, Lasse Mårtensson, Ekta Vats and Raphaela Heil, Creating an Atlas over Handwritten Script Signs, In Proceedings of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN), Copenhagen, 2019. Paper
  • Anders Hast, Mats Lind and Ekta Vats, Subspace Learning and Classification, 3rd Swedish Symposium on Deep Learning, Norrköping, 2019.
  • Anders Hast and Ekta Vats, Radial Line Fourier descriptor for historical handwritten text representation, Journal of WSCG, ISSN 1213-6972, Vol. 26, No. 1, 31-40, 2018. Paper (Best selected papers)
  • Anders Hast and Ekta Vats, Radial Line Fourier descriptor for historical handwritten text representation, in Proceedings of International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 2018. Paper
  • Anders Hast, Per Cullhed and Ekta Vats, TexT – Text Extractor Tool for Handwritten Document Transcription and Annotation, In Serra G., Tasso C. (eds.), Digital Libraries and Multimedia Archives, IRCDL 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 806, Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-73164-3 (Print), 978-3-319-73165-0 (Online). Paper
  • Anders Hast and Ekta Vats, An Intelligent User Interface for Efficient Semi-automatic Transcription of Historical Handwritten Documents, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (IUI’18), Tokyo, Japan, ACM, Pages 48:1-48:2, 2018. Paper
  • Prashant Singh, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Learning Surrogate Models of Document Image Quality Metrics for Automated Document Image Processing, In Proceedings of the 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Pages 67-72, 2018. Paper
  • Ekta Vats, Lasse Mårtensson and Anders Hast, Extracting script features from a large corpus of handwritten documents, In Proceedings of Digital Humanities in the Nordic countries (DHN), extended abstracts, 2018.
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Exploring the Applicability of Capsule Networks for Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Manuscripts, 2nd Swedish Symposium on Deep Learning, Gothenburg, 2018. (Poster)
  • Raphaela Heil, Ekta Vats, Anders Hast, Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Manuscripts using Capsule Networks, Bibliothica Baltica, Rostock 2018. (Poster)
  • Ekta Vats, Raphaela Heil and Anders Hast, Interactive Historical Manuscript Transcription, In Swedish e-Science Academy (eSSENCE), Uppsala, 2018. (Poster)
  • Ekta Vats, Anders Hast and Prashant Singh, Automatic Document Image Binarization using Bayesian Optimization, In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP 2017), Kyoto, Japan, ACM Press, Pages 89–94, 2017. Paper Code
  • Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, On-the-fly Historical Text Annotation, In Proceedings of the 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), Kyoto, Japan, Volume 8, IEEE, Pages 10-14, 2017.  Paper
  • Ekta Vats and Anders Hast, Historical Handwritten Text Recognition, In Swedish e-Science Academy (eSSENCE), Umeå, 2017. (Poster)
  • Ekta Vats and Chee Seng Chan, Early Detection of Human Actions – A Hybrid Approach, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 46, Pages 953-966, 2016. Paper
  • Ekta Vats, A fuzzy approach for early human action detection, Thesis (PhD), Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, 2016. Thesis
  • Chern Hong Lim*, Ekta Vats* and Chee Seng Chan, Fuzzy Human Motion Analysis: A Review, Pattern Recognition, Volume 48, Issue 5, Pages 1773-1796, 2015. (* indicates equal contribution) Paper
  • Ekta Vats, Chee Kau Lim and Chee Seng Chan, An improved BK sub-triangle product approach for scene classification, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Volume 28, Issue 5, Pages 1923-1931, 2015. Paper
  • Ekta Vats, Chee Kau Lim and Chee Seng Chan, Early Human Actions Detection Using BK Sub-Triangle Product, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE, Pages 1-8, 2015. Paper (Best student paper award nomination)
  • Abhishek Jhawar, Ekta Vats, B.K. Tripathy and Chan Seng Chan, Generalised Approximate Equalities Based on Rough Fuzzy Sets & Rough Measures of Fuzzy Sets, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Hyderabad, India, Pages 1-8, 2013. Paper
  • Ekta Vats, Chee Kau Lim and Chan Seng Chan, A BK Subproduct Approach for Scene Classification, In Proceedings of the IIEEJ Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop, Malaysia, 2012. Paper
  • B.K. Tripathy, Abhishek Jhawar and Ekta Vats, An Analysis of Generalised Approximate Equalities Based on Rough Fuzzy Sets, In Deep K., Nagar A., Pant M., Bansal J. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS), 2011, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Volume 130, Pages 333-346, Springer, India. ISBN: 978-81-322-0486-2 (Print), 978-81-322-0487-9 (Online). Paper